Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Come Walk With Me - Esher Commons #JudgeMe

"It is better to err on the side of daring than the side of caution"

        - Alvin Toffler

Okay, a slightly different blog post this week. A lot of photos... of me.

These photos were actually taken a while ago, last spring to be a bit more precise. I went on a walk with Mr G and as usual we took the camera. He managed to get some lovely shots, but I never uploaded them.

I had developed internet self-consciousness and  a fear of others thoughts of even a few 'posey' shots of me.

But why? I love these kind of shots on other blogs...

So here I am, throwing caution to the wind. I have learnt to care less of what people think  and have developed a bit more of a give a damn attitude...

Here are some pictures from a lovely walk we had, the latest in my #comewalkwithme series. This time in and around Esher Commons in Surrey...



Wednesday, 4 March 2015

#DearMe - Tag

"In youth we learn; in age we understand"

         - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

The things that I would tell a younger me...

Dear Me...

Always be honest
Try to be kind
Be thankful for the life, people and experiences you have
Have the courage to speak your mind

Enjoy your wisdom
Be unique, odd and at times crazy
Do not get distracted by superficial beauty
Work hard, do not be lazy

Smile, if possible, daily
There is no shame in shedding tears
Give time to others who need it
Constantly face your fears


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